Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Heat part 4of 4: The Responsibility

Fear is the greatest, most powerful weapon on this planet. While hate is often thought 2 B the opposite of Love, I believe it’s fear.  Hate is merely a symptom of fear.  Fear immobilizes people, nullifies their power, creates self doubt and empowers the thing that is feared. All the stories, however true or false they may B have simply been used 2 instill an overwhelming fear in the masses allowing that group of people 2 act with impunity across the planet.

Let’s say 4 the sake of argument that all the above stories R 100% true. What does it matter? They R still a small minority that rely on the compliance of an overwhelming majority 2 do the things they do.  Policemen who have 2 get side jobs 2 properly provide 4 their families, soldiers sent 2 war and come back 2 hardship, health issues and worry, civil rights leaders begging 4 a seat at “the table,” impoverished Caucasians whose only personal saving grace is that at least they ain’t “Black,” hardline Democrat and/or Republican voters, workers and supporters who believe wholeheartedly that “their” party can make it better, etc…  R all tools of that minority. All of them R exploited daily 2 keep the money rolling N 4 that minority and all of them R carefully taught by others like them not 2 C their exploitation or not 2 care out of fear, duty, paternalism or responsibility 2 support their families. 

I get it. U’re scared. It can B scary. We’ve seen the vocal get picked off, blacklisted and/or have their names defamed and discredited 2 cast just enough reasonable doubt upon that individual 2 have any of their claims ignored. But that fear comes when U R looking at U and not us. “Us” is a powerful, resourceful being. “Us” cannot not B stopped because 1 part of us was removed. “Us” is smarter, bigger and stronger than any 1 of “U.”   Instruments of fear like race, religion, financial/class status, even geographical loyalties have been brilliantly used 2 sow seeds of fear between “Us” 2 keep us divided, distracted and not looking at “them.” “They” may not even like each other but they know 2 work as 1. 

So I blame U. I’m not that smart and I can C it clearly.  I blame U, that majority, that "other 98%" who allows this curious minority 2 run freely destroying everything in its path in pursuit of “shiny things” like any common rodent. I blame U 4 allowing such small things 2 keep us apart when it benefits us in untold ways 2 work 2gether. I blame U 4 every genocide now happening in both Africa and the Americas, 4 allowing careless corporations 2 poison U through your food, 4 becoming dependant on them N the 1st place 2 eat, 4 allowing hunger when there is farmable land in a 4 block radius of where U stand right now;4 allowing "them" 2 make the water undrinkable, the air unbreathable, and your land unaffordable; 4 allowing people 2 live on the street when there R reported 22 homes 4 each homeless person N America, 4 choosing 2 B distracted from these issues by brainless entertainment designed specifically 4 that reason.  I blame the over seven billion people on this planet predominately of color and similar descent 4 allowing this 1 minority faction of 1minority people 2 run this rampant, destroying in a couple of centuries what U kept in harmony 4 100’s of thousands of years.  I’m a believer that we here as the keepers of this living Earth and in absence of our job performance the Earth will naturally make her own adjustments and it ain't gonna B nice 4 Us when She does.  The solutions R easy. U make this stuff hard. Yeah, it’s hot but it’s gonna get a whole lot hotter if WE don’t get back on our task.  Peace and harmony ya’ll.

Chairman Fred Hampton
Thanks 4 reading. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Heat part 3 of 4: Know Your Enemy

As an artist working on my rise and acceptance N2 the masses of minds, ears and eyes of this world, even being the eternally energetic and joyous individual that I am, I do have bouts of doubt and frustration.  I’ve been at this thing a looooong time and it’s my intention 2 just “B” there right now; not still grinding from where I am and I get N2 spaces where I feel like ain’t nobody listening 4 me anyhow.  The irony is that I don’t expect that this entry will endear me any further 2 the industry or many fans.  I can’t B worried about that with this one, however. There R larger issues that, 4 me, R a bit more important than my artistic endeavors and having U all buy my album.

In the last post, we started off discussing the heat beating down on the country at present.  I addressed Chicago specifically but any look at any weather report shows that it’s been a nationwide thing.  I get it.  It’s hot. Hotter than it “naturally” should B. And U know what?  It’s your fault which is Y I’m irritated every time I hear U complain about how hot it is.  Largely this is directed at people of color but from a broader perspective this is 4 people regardless of anything as basic as skin tone.  Let’s look at it from the perspective of “the other 98%”

I did a little fact checking.  Dug N2 reports by Hoerling of the Nation Oceanic and Atmospheric  Administration, charts and explanations by The National Climatic Data Center who state that the chances of the heatwave being purely a natural event is 1 in 1,594,323. I even checked those who disputed that figure saying that from a statistical view it’s probably more likely 1 in 100,000 as if that makes such a major difference N the bottom line. Whatever the exact truth is, it is more than true that due 2 the negligent and irresponsible actions of one faction of a global minority in their pursuit 2 monopolize and control the resources, wealth and people of the planet without regard 2 the methods they have caused considerable damage 2 a planet that must work in balance 2 preserve itself. In maintaining that balance all type of weather related anomalies adverse to the lives of human beings may happen and YES, I blame that steadfastly on the 98%.

This is not racial. Race, if U haven’t figured out by now, is some made-up bull, largely explored and quantified by the Swede Carl Linnaeus in 1735, used 2 divide and conquer people irrespective of their nationality. I’m real clear that the world and the U.S. in particular have not moved on or healed from this affliction contrary 2 all claims of “Post Race.” If anything the disease has grown worse.  However, it is that small faction within those claiming “whiteness” that has done more 2 destroy living conditions on this planet than any one people N recorded history.  At this juncture of my life I have 2 recognize that not all Caucasians R the same just as all African descendants R not.  While there R more similarities than there R differences there R distinct differences in peoples and not all of them R worthy of celebration.

Though I am unquestionably of African or what is known as Asiatic descent I rebuke any national or biological association to those people who have and R inflicting inhumanly savage genocides like those in the Congo, duped like brainless cattle by European and American instigators 2 murder in massive numbers 4 the overwhelming benefit of those EuroAmerican corporations. That is not N the spirit of my people. Those same cruel yet ignorant lackeys found in puppet positions of power across Africa can B found N low income hoods across America on street corners, in pulpits and at liquor stores robbing and dealing death 2 those who resemble themselves here.  I submit, that MY people R no more like them than a cougar 2 a lion. I then must conclude that some of these Caucasians resemble only N pinkish skin.


There is a variant of Caucasian that have connived 2 pit nations of people against one another while they ride N on the backs of another sycophantic, underling, sheep-like people of varying ethnicities (the, "I'm just following orders/doing my job" people) and collect the indigenous wealth. Those aberrant variants R greedy, insatiable, violent and vicious. Their power has been attributed with characteristics similar 2 the Boogie-man. They R said 2 worship demons, draw on devilish powers, commit human sacrifices, band 2gether in centuries old secret societies, control this and that, hide and implement alien technology, prepare secret underground dwelling 2 live N as they destroy 2/3 of the people on the surface, etc…  All these phantom-like attributes that have become the distracting sustenance 4 conspiracy theorists the world over and a source of fear 2 the general populace. 

The conclusion 2 follow...

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Heat part 2 of 4: "A Suggested Solution"

Identify yourself here:  40 organizations/corporations of community AND business minded people reflective of that community with capitalistic leanings open up 40 different businesses in one forlorn area (1 or 2 blks) of town; South Shore, Englewood, North Lawndale, etc… within a 6 month timeframe.  TRAIN & employ members of that same community of how 2 operate your business and how 2 work effectively with your customers. Serve that community with things they need and want like real sit-down restaurants, bookstores, healthier grocers, decent entertainment businesses, whatever.  Pay your employees a livable wage and connect with your fellow business owners quarterly 2 insure that all of U R moving ahead accordingly.

 This is no experiment. What we will C is that U all have provided 4 the well-being of that community which will in turn boost your profits, provided 4 your business’ fiscal and personal security and made your operation indispensible. Y not build your wealth while legitimately serving your community with INTEGRITY; something that has been lacking N business, entertainment, civil rights and government 4 decades. What U will have shared with that community is an increase in property value and employment close 2 their homes and children. U’ve allowed the people something 2 B proud of and a way 2 provide 4 their own food, shelter and clothing. U’ve given the community’s children something 2 C everyday 2 aspire 2 and given them a reason Y they go 2 school.  U have transformed the landscape from dilapidation and poverty to an operating business district. Beauty begets beauty. The hood becomes a community and rises 2 your level but it happens because of the coordinated efforts of 40 business minded people/organizations that moved at the same time.  Is that so hard? Is that really that difficult? 

I know tons of people right now who want 2 launch or expand a business.  All I’m saying is let’s do it N one area which strengthens our success.  Consider established examples like the South Loop and Wicker Park and what they were not so long ago.  Consider downtown Chicago where there R thousands of successful business atop of each other. There people work, play and live in a certain prosperity.  We can have more profound say of what happens in our city (& world) but it comes by operating on a financially and socially higher level and that’s done by building businesses for, with and around our people.  This can B done regardless of political, religious or philosophical adherence. All U got 2 have N common is a need 2 do business and 2 do it with high standards, PERIOD.  

Push out the hood liquor stores that R breeding grounds 4 crime and foolishness. Push out the saturation of churches that’s keeping the people on their knees but not providing 4 their everyday needs.  Train and hire those same thugs, hoods and ex cons 2 operate your business which takes them away from crime with an opportunity 2 live a legit life providing 4 their families and they will honor that (the vast majority anyway). 

Those that need 2 read this probably won’t get it from me but if U never share another thing I write, share this. Forward it 2 every hood, thug, whoe, social leech & rat U know.  Many of our politicians and so-called community leaders R exactly those things right now.  Y should success stop with them?  Forward it 2 the educated, the community minded, the aspiring activists and those who’ve got wishes to C this prevailing violence go away.  Let’s get it started.  A lot of U already desired or prayed 4 this. Now it’s time 4 action.  Holla at me.  I will connect the 40 and then maybe next year it won’t B so hot. 

Part 3 of 4 N 2 days: Skin color does not equal ethnic association...

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Heat part 1 of 4: "It's Hot"

The heatwave seems 2 B passing. My hometown of Chicago was hit pretty hard. I’ve heard word after word about how hot it was.  Complaints about sweating and choking and not being able 2 move or go out and this, after so many complaints about the long cold winter.  It’s laughable but par 4 the course.  Legitimately, it was hot; very hot. 

With the surge in temperature came also the surge in criminally-related deaths mainly from being shot. I will not say “by guns” because I 2 am a believer that guns don’t kill people. People with guns kill people. The big headline was that there were more people being killed in Chicago than there were in Afghanistan; sensationalized but largely true. The regular people, due 2 the transitory legalities in Illinois/Chicago have largely been disarmed which has given way 4 motivated individuals 2 procure guns in unlawful ways and at the same time opening up a huge industry on the blackmarket. Capitalism.

 According 2 the Chicago Tribune the latest number of people shot N this frenzy near the end of June 2012 was 319, an annual rise of nearly 22%. Comments by well-meaning racists on another site, trained like the sheeple they R, they, like a lot of America, believe that the shooters and those shot R all thugs & other assorted criminal scum negating that at least 24 of the victims were mere school children from 7 on up. They didn’t account 4 the innocents, elderly and uninvolved who were out walking or sitting on their porches and caught a stray. Nor the record numbers of people shot, largely of so-called “minority” heritage, by police under questionable circumstances. But this entry isn’t about that. There’s a level of ignorance N this country that I am, at this time, disinterested in addressing. This is geared at solutions.

and most of them are uninvolved in any criminal activity
 The hood isn’t the way it is because of some innate desire to harm one another or predilection toward self destruction.  It’s the lack of devoted resources and the poor educational system that gives the students no purpose on Y they’re there. It’s the poor, substanceless, nutrient-deficient foods dumped upon and made available 2 the people living there, the lack of jobs and the inability 2 provide one’s self and one’s family with basic needs and finally, the saturation of repetitive, irresponsible, mind-numbing entertainment that eggs on these conditions. These things build up 2 frustration, anger, hunger, lack of self-worth and other diseases whose symptoms become visible as the widely reported violence.

 The “West,” European colonized industrial lands, R treatment based societies. They don’t practice prevention. They treat symptoms. They move without regard 2 consequences then attempt to “treat” the damage done. There R those who think that’s what makes this country great, despite the staggering numbers in health and environmental issues, despite the substandard education of the masses; despite that many who think that R the same ones suffering from those afflictions inflicted upon them by the very few.  This country “treats” the symptoms of its cancer and AIDS victims despite the fact that many scientists & health practitioners have proven cures 4 those deadly ailments 4 decades. They’d rather spend millions on “research” 2 better circulate money 2 the privileged. This country “treats” symptomatic environmental issues, allowing a few hybrid vehicles on the street 2 reduce pollution while trucks and factories blow billows of harmful smoke N2 the air despite having access 2 yet denying effective, cleaner energy sources because of their financial commitment 2 oil. They’d rather damage the livability of our land 4 profits than change things 4 the better 4 the people.  Chicago hires more police while reducing effective social programs. Am I wrong? Is this just hippie-talk? I’m open 2 criticism.

I might have an answer. This is not an original idea. It’s rooted in offerings set forth by Garvey, Drew-Ali and Elijah Muhammad and it was inspired by a post from a wonderful sista that I saw the other day.  It’s an idea I contemplated years ago but wasn’t N a position 2 implement.  Its viability is local and global. It’s simple, realistic, long-term and not far-reaching. It’s directed 2 whoever can and will read this. 

Many candles can B lit from a single flame without diminishing its light

Part 2 of 4: "A Suggested Solution" in 2 days...