Monday, July 16, 2012

The Heat part 2 of 4: "A Suggested Solution"

Identify yourself here:  40 organizations/corporations of community AND business minded people reflective of that community with capitalistic leanings open up 40 different businesses in one forlorn area (1 or 2 blks) of town; South Shore, Englewood, North Lawndale, etc… within a 6 month timeframe.  TRAIN & employ members of that same community of how 2 operate your business and how 2 work effectively with your customers. Serve that community with things they need and want like real sit-down restaurants, bookstores, healthier grocers, decent entertainment businesses, whatever.  Pay your employees a livable wage and connect with your fellow business owners quarterly 2 insure that all of U R moving ahead accordingly.

 This is no experiment. What we will C is that U all have provided 4 the well-being of that community which will in turn boost your profits, provided 4 your business’ fiscal and personal security and made your operation indispensible. Y not build your wealth while legitimately serving your community with INTEGRITY; something that has been lacking N business, entertainment, civil rights and government 4 decades. What U will have shared with that community is an increase in property value and employment close 2 their homes and children. U’ve allowed the people something 2 B proud of and a way 2 provide 4 their own food, shelter and clothing. U’ve given the community’s children something 2 C everyday 2 aspire 2 and given them a reason Y they go 2 school.  U have transformed the landscape from dilapidation and poverty to an operating business district. Beauty begets beauty. The hood becomes a community and rises 2 your level but it happens because of the coordinated efforts of 40 business minded people/organizations that moved at the same time.  Is that so hard? Is that really that difficult? 

I know tons of people right now who want 2 launch or expand a business.  All I’m saying is let’s do it N one area which strengthens our success.  Consider established examples like the South Loop and Wicker Park and what they were not so long ago.  Consider downtown Chicago where there R thousands of successful business atop of each other. There people work, play and live in a certain prosperity.  We can have more profound say of what happens in our city (& world) but it comes by operating on a financially and socially higher level and that’s done by building businesses for, with and around our people.  This can B done regardless of political, religious or philosophical adherence. All U got 2 have N common is a need 2 do business and 2 do it with high standards, PERIOD.  

Push out the hood liquor stores that R breeding grounds 4 crime and foolishness. Push out the saturation of churches that’s keeping the people on their knees but not providing 4 their everyday needs.  Train and hire those same thugs, hoods and ex cons 2 operate your business which takes them away from crime with an opportunity 2 live a legit life providing 4 their families and they will honor that (the vast majority anyway). 

Those that need 2 read this probably won’t get it from me but if U never share another thing I write, share this. Forward it 2 every hood, thug, whoe, social leech & rat U know.  Many of our politicians and so-called community leaders R exactly those things right now.  Y should success stop with them?  Forward it 2 the educated, the community minded, the aspiring activists and those who’ve got wishes to C this prevailing violence go away.  Let’s get it started.  A lot of U already desired or prayed 4 this. Now it’s time 4 action.  Holla at me.  I will connect the 40 and then maybe next year it won’t B so hot. 

Part 3 of 4 N 2 days: Skin color does not equal ethnic association...

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