Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Heat part 4of 4: The Responsibility

Fear is the greatest, most powerful weapon on this planet. While hate is often thought 2 B the opposite of Love, I believe it’s fear.  Hate is merely a symptom of fear.  Fear immobilizes people, nullifies their power, creates self doubt and empowers the thing that is feared. All the stories, however true or false they may B have simply been used 2 instill an overwhelming fear in the masses allowing that group of people 2 act with impunity across the planet.

Let’s say 4 the sake of argument that all the above stories R 100% true. What does it matter? They R still a small minority that rely on the compliance of an overwhelming majority 2 do the things they do.  Policemen who have 2 get side jobs 2 properly provide 4 their families, soldiers sent 2 war and come back 2 hardship, health issues and worry, civil rights leaders begging 4 a seat at “the table,” impoverished Caucasians whose only personal saving grace is that at least they ain’t “Black,” hardline Democrat and/or Republican voters, workers and supporters who believe wholeheartedly that “their” party can make it better, etc…  R all tools of that minority. All of them R exploited daily 2 keep the money rolling N 4 that minority and all of them R carefully taught by others like them not 2 C their exploitation or not 2 care out of fear, duty, paternalism or responsibility 2 support their families. 

I get it. U’re scared. It can B scary. We’ve seen the vocal get picked off, blacklisted and/or have their names defamed and discredited 2 cast just enough reasonable doubt upon that individual 2 have any of their claims ignored. But that fear comes when U R looking at U and not us. “Us” is a powerful, resourceful being. “Us” cannot not B stopped because 1 part of us was removed. “Us” is smarter, bigger and stronger than any 1 of “U.”   Instruments of fear like race, religion, financial/class status, even geographical loyalties have been brilliantly used 2 sow seeds of fear between “Us” 2 keep us divided, distracted and not looking at “them.” “They” may not even like each other but they know 2 work as 1. 

So I blame U. I’m not that smart and I can C it clearly.  I blame U, that majority, that "other 98%" who allows this curious minority 2 run freely destroying everything in its path in pursuit of “shiny things” like any common rodent. I blame U 4 allowing such small things 2 keep us apart when it benefits us in untold ways 2 work 2gether. I blame U 4 every genocide now happening in both Africa and the Americas, 4 allowing careless corporations 2 poison U through your food, 4 becoming dependant on them N the 1st place 2 eat, 4 allowing hunger when there is farmable land in a 4 block radius of where U stand right now;4 allowing "them" 2 make the water undrinkable, the air unbreathable, and your land unaffordable; 4 allowing people 2 live on the street when there R reported 22 homes 4 each homeless person N America, 4 choosing 2 B distracted from these issues by brainless entertainment designed specifically 4 that reason.  I blame the over seven billion people on this planet predominately of color and similar descent 4 allowing this 1 minority faction of 1minority people 2 run this rampant, destroying in a couple of centuries what U kept in harmony 4 100’s of thousands of years.  I’m a believer that we here as the keepers of this living Earth and in absence of our job performance the Earth will naturally make her own adjustments and it ain't gonna B nice 4 Us when She does.  The solutions R easy. U make this stuff hard. Yeah, it’s hot but it’s gonna get a whole lot hotter if WE don’t get back on our task.  Peace and harmony ya’ll.

Chairman Fred Hampton
Thanks 4 reading. 

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