Wednesday, September 21, 2016

What Do We Do Now

N the wake of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling murders I was having an after-workout convo with a friend of mine. She voiced the common concern of what could she do that can help change these/our conditions 4 the better. N the weeks prior 2 those lynchings this question has been the subject of conversation quite often. I waited, got still and thought long about it B4 I posted any substantive answer.  I still can’t tell U that I have THEE solution. I don’t believe that anyone really does, if such a thing does exist. However I do know of a few actions that every one of us can do if we R earnest N our desire 2 dismantle the diseased structure of European domination and fix those conditions amongst melanated people, the world over, that desperately need correcting. I VERY humbly offer these suggestions.

Step 1: Ego check -  As I understand it, the ego is largely emotional. Its ability 2 guide us rationally is limited at best and typically acts as a send-off when left unchecked. In the area of raising a community it’s the ego that makes us think that we’re the only 1 with the right answers, ideas, or initiatives. It makes us want 2 B in charge or not B involved at all. It is often what blocks cooperation with our comrades and it is definitely that sense that led many a traitor 2 sell-out their people/organization/crew because their ego was somehow bruised or not given the praise they were really seeking.

If U’re in a nation building organization 4 the praise, please quit. Find other work 2 do. Praise is nice but this action is not 4 U.  If things like religion, philosophy, political affiliation and other illusional divisions divide U from working with your brotha and sista with the same goals, B off. This is not 4 U. There’s only 1 goal. Live fully. Dismantle European domination and raise our people up from their ills. That’s the only area we need 2 agree on. Everything else is personal and should B dealt with that way. This is business. Get past petty differences 2 do the work that needs 2 B done. Don’t B so hyped 2 B the 1 N charge. & PLEASE stop taking sh** so personal. This is a we thing.

Step 2: Integrity/Truth - Do what U say U’re gonna do. Let’s face it, we R scared of 1 another; afraid of being let down, sold out, taken advantage of, etc…  It’s happened B4 and we’ve allowed those past situations 2 define our present. European domination has infected ALL of our minds in some way and that infection is often reflected in the actions of some of us who wrong those of us who rely on or look 2 4 assistance, leadership or service. That has 2 change. As I wrote a friend of mine earlier, we must B so about our word that trust amongst us is infallible and impenetrable. Ego & distrust has left us continually vulnerable 2 exterior aggravation and instigation and our ignorance in our participation of falling prey 2 these traps has got us 2 where we R 2day; being murdered N the streets without remorse or recourse and so scattered that there is no end in sight 2 these atrocities. B about your word to your people and a stronger community will rise around that.

Step 3: Culture - 2 root ourselves in culture, which is done through education, both formal (school) and informal (home/community), is 2 give us a singular accord and goal as a people. It binds a body of people 2gether 4 their present and future survival. Through European domination we have been conditioned 2 rebuke and fear the traditions that we as Africans carried 2 America long B4 and after Columbus’ violently disruptive arrival. Those R the characteristics that sustained us 4 thousands of years here and abroad and those R the characteristics that we R 2 (re)implement back N2 our lives while updating those things 2 fit our present reality. It’s going 2 take some study. It ain’t just dashikis and hairdo’s, though that’s part of it. Embracing our traditions is going 2 do wonders 4 our growth and protection of our people against the savagery of those committed 2 our demise.  

If U R from a city that has a Chinatown (New York, Chicago, San Francisco), have U ever heard of a cop murdering a young man of Chinese descent there? EVER??? Is there a special segment of police training that keeps them from doing so? Hypothetically, what do U think would happen if such a thing did occur? The Chinese make up a far smaller segment of the population than Africans in America so how is it that there is no worry 4 them, as another U.S. minority, of any of their children or men or women being shot down, unarmed at the whim of some cop? Their culture HERE, negating how China itself would respond, would never allow U.S. cops 2 murder so many of their people in Chinatown. They R clear about their culture and it continues 2 protect them in so many ways.

Step 4: Build institutions around our culture. Help improve and expand what already exists rather than start your own. I’m not talking about the NAACP or other outdated questionable institutions but community-based businesses, schools grocery stores, etc… We have 2 B able 2 feed, shelter, clothe and (since we’re living N a capitalist society) employ one another. Dependency on the same kind of savages that R murdering us and limiting our access 2 resources 2 do that 4 us is not merely insane but it’s kept us in the condition where we R fighting amongst ourselves out of anger, lack and ignorance. March if U wanna but put up that doe. Eventually we’ll even have 2 get away from using “their” currency.  Foreign countries have been toppled and leaders slain 4 this 1 but in the meantime get everyone at the next march 2 up $50 2 build or fortify our banks, schools, grocery stores, jobs, clothing lines, etc…
Do these things comfortably and unapologetically! Display unconditional integrity amongst ourselves. Do away with putting ego N2 these matters, except in the spaces where it keeps U from being stopped by any opposition. Reaffirm who we R culturally, and nationally build institutions around that culture, not at the exclusion of anyone else but 4 the complete inclusion of our people.

& finally and possibly most important, let go the fear of change. Be real with yourself about what this is. We R being terrorized by terrorists who R trained, financed and armed by a system of European domination using institutional racism 2 deprive people of color of LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. No? This BS has got 2 change. We R that change but it has 2 begin internally and it has 2 build communally.  Until they feel the pain we feel - until there is some fair and equitable consequence 2 their transgressions against us, by us, these transgression will continue. History has given us all the lessons we need 2 know 2 do what we need 2 do. Learn from it and get 2 work. Not another sista or brotha need B murdered in this crisis.

I know I wrote this 2 sound like general suggestions but I suggest we look at each of these steps N a very specific way and start 2day. Leave your BS at home and deal with it there.  It’s nation building time.

I'm ready 2 work with U. 
Thanks 4 reading.
Khari B. 

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