Sunday, September 22, 2019

Indoctrination And Assimilation Ain't Progression

Part of my lifestyle and happiness is accepting people, particularly my friends and family, 4 exactly who they R. ALL of us have some effed up characteristics about us but outside of any type of deviant, insidious behaviors that harm others, I'm pretty cool with how others choose 2 live their lives. This does not mean I have 2 agree with other's lifestyles 4 us 2 B cool but sometimes, on rare occasions I may have something 2 say about certain parts of those lifestyles, in general. This is 1 of those times. 

My little cousin has decided 2 pledge 1 of the contradictory named Black Greek Letter Orgs. While I philosophically disagree with what these orgs stand 4, (& I ain't arguing with none of U zealot-ass acolytes about what that is no matter how cool we R) I have MANY friends and family who I love, cherish and respect, who R members. Again, people do what they want and I don't desire a say N it.

HOWEVER, as my cousin approaches the pledging process their mother tells me how much the organization is REQUIRING my 21 year old cousin 2 pay in order 2 do so. Foolishly thinking it was an excessive 2-500 dollars I was quickly corrected that it would B $21-2500! R U fu**ing kidding me???

So in addition 2 an exorbitant tuition, extreme school fees and living costs, these "progressive" organizations expect a family (cause who else is gonna run that doe) 2 put 2gether 21-2500 more dollars just 2 B N one of these "U-can't-sit-with-us ass, civic, bourgeoisie social clubs?!? Maaaaaaaaaaaan, FU** DAT! 

Almost all of these orgs R at least 100 years old. N those 100 years of fraternal and sisterly kinship I don’t know (& I’m open 2 being corrected) of 1 fortune 500 company that’s been opened and operated by any one or combination of those groups 2 ensure our people, or even just their members, post-graduate employment. Not 1 Alpha hotel chain. No Omega hospitals. No Nupe farms or food brands. Nary a Delta textiles or Sigma shipping line. Not even a simple National Pan-Hellenic Council political lobbyist group. N 100 years of bringing young educated Black minds 2gether, not a single org has created and dominated a single area of industry as a economic force 4 our people. 

I’m NOT discounting the far-reaching lengths European-Americans have gone 2 KILL Black economic progression N general. I’m NOT saying any other organization has achieved this basic achievement and been able 2 maintain its operation to this day either (recognition goes 2 Garvey’s notable attempts with the Black Star Line, Negro Factories Corporation, etc…). BUT what other organizations have been around as long and boast memberships as large as the BGLOs? If anyone touted unity as the answer 2 collective Black socioeconomic elevation or helping us counter Black oppression, BGLOs have glaringly helped 2 prove otherwise. 

And THESE R the organizations asking 4 upward of $2500 2 join their ranks? So an individual can dress alike, B N step shows and do some basic ass charity drives??? I’ve come 2 the aid of my brothers who I didn’t need 2 “take wood” with N ways that their organizations didn’t. Where was their return on that investment? Do we really need a handshake and goofy ass call 2 help and recognize each other other than a Black fist and a head nod? In my humble opinion I’m only Cing them sell “networking” as the reason 2 join the same way pulpit pimps sell “eternal damnation.” GTFOHWTBS. 

I know we can B a tribal people. Many of us love having secret handshakes, signs and calls 2 distinguish us from that infamous “everybody else.” I’m not knocking that. Some folks R naturally joiners and they need that. That’s their prerogative. GDs, Crips, Bloods, and Blackstones hook up 4 similar reasons and take similar ass whuppins 2 get N. Folks do what they do. But if said organization is supposedly about uplifting a member, Y would they B charging them $2100+ 2 B a part of them. Where the fu** does all that money go when these orgs literally OWN no businesses or political lobby groups? Most of them don’t even have formal “houses” 4 their members 2 live N like their pink counterparts. Naw, this is some bullsh** and I just needed my moment 2 talk about it. Rep yo set if U like but ain’t no rationale 4 taking that kinda bread from a college student. It’s 2 many Black degreed phenomenons out here looking 4 careers and the “Divine Nine” ain’t hiring 1 of them. 

Thanks 4 reading,